My angelic little self...Muahaha...{weg}

My Page List

Come take a look at my babies!

The "real" baby...what a sweetie!

Come and meet the real Bashful

Here's Grumpy(Bishop) himself!

See my cute little ladies man

Tresured Quotes

Let's get Sleezy...ooops damn typos! hehe

Come sit a spell...kill some time?

Something extra.... do you like the page so far? Awwwww.....really? It's the best you've seen? How nice of you to say! Well it can't be a good page without mentioning my dear friends from the net. Just click on Dopey to meet everyone that's important, and if by chance your name isn't mentioned? Well it's because you're not important...just kiddin, hehehe. E-mail me and let me know that my ditsy self has forgotten to mention you and it'll be fixed immediately. Enjoy!

Come meet my fellow dopes...hehe



You didn't think I'd forget to have a guestbook for all you crazy people to sign?
Sign it Here And view it Here!
Now..... don't you DARE leave without signing - I have ways of finding out if you don't ....Muahaha....

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